DTDC Tracking is the most preferred postal service in India. It has achieved many milestones over the years while growing and expanding, pushing boundaries. Founded in 1990 as a private company, it evolved over the years as a public enterprise in addition to the departments. DTDC aims to be India’s topmost courier service with a commitment to satisfied customers, continuous quality improvement, and most importantly, motivated employees. The company is heavily invested in technology, infrastructure, and network expansion.
Enter DTDC Tracking Number
Any consignment that falls under the measurements and the requirements of the company is eligible to be transported. However, in case of loss/breakage of products, the company provides a Certificate of facts that charges 0,2% of the actual invoice.
DTDC has its connections and business spread in more than 240 countries worldwide. It has now joined the international lineage of courier companies with market compatible rates. Like others, DTDC has a range of services that they provide, domestically as well as globally. Domestic Express is primarily for those customers who wish to transport a parcel on an urgent basis. Also, the customer has an option to choose the vehicle of choice for their satisfaction. It has an option of COD, and cash on delivery for its valued customers.
For the international clientele, DTDC offers Express services, Cargo services, Student Express, Excess Baggage, Import Express, and International Cash on Delivery.
1- Express Service
This service caters to documents and non-documents, both. It aims to deliver documents and/or goods that are time-sensitive.
2- Cargo Service
The customer has an option to avail of door-to-door service, door-to-airport or even airport-to-airport services. These are usually large and commercial ships that carry the consignment as required.
3- Student Express
Students who wish to apply for higher studies abroad can take benefit from this as it is specifically designed for them. Their application documents are time-sensitive. As this aims to aid students, the prices are cost-effective and easy on the pocket.
4- Excess Baggage
For heavy travellers, this option is specifically curtailed to their needs. Any product/package that falls over and above the airline baggage can be moved to DTDC for seamless delivery to the required destination.
5- Import Express
To ensure hassle-free import in India, DTDC provides services to encourage businesses to import without much struggle.
6- International Cash on Delivery
For our international customers, DTDC has given the leverage for pick-up from anywhere in India with the option of cash on delivery. To know more, call on +91-7738899817 or +91-7738899820 to discuss your query related to an International delivery
The Ministry of Finance, Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs have applied to Know Your Customer in order to build a relationship with the company for a more secure correspondence. You can email kycsupport@dtdc.com for more information.
For other information, click on this link to get connected to your nearest service center https://www.dtdc.in. Please note that the customer service is available in English, Hindi, and other regional languages.